Give the lil' country lover on your list this classic from local boy Travis Tritt. Born in Marietta, he went to high school at Sprayberrry (where he perfected the art of mullet-growing), and now resides in Dallas, Georgia (where there is a highway named after him). Hey, I endorse supporting "local" arts...
People write off modern country as mindless garbage that utilizes a cutesy phrase to craft a hooky chorus and sell songs. But I think Tritt was a modern day Nostradamus with this one. A prophetic harbinger of the bad economic times to come, if you will. Warning us regular folk with the songs Lord Have Mercy On The Working Man, Blue Collar Man, Looking Out For Number One, and of course T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
If you are one of the "Joe The Plumbers" of the world, ol' double T wants you to know he's got your back. To me, the look on his face on this album cover screams "Hey Randy, you really ought to think about getting me another beer and rolling your 401K on over into an IRA. If you don't it'll be a dad-gummed tax nightmare."
So if you know any Tritt fans who are feeling the squeeze of the current economic crunch, get 'em T-R-O-U-B-L-E for Christmas. Don't say he didn't warn ya'.
In all it's glory!
Mike, I also can't help notice the continually negative connotations toward goat-related fellatio. I'm not one to care, but feel like the goat population that I'm sure frequents the board may object.
Holy hell that's hilarious.
Next tag: "blowing goats blows goats"
Seriously though we're gonna have thousands of once-used labels. Oh well.
A few points:
1) I immediately regret using the term "Joe The Plumber" and apologize. That's as bad as people who say "think outside the box" and "guesstimate" with a straight face. Sorry. 2) I'm not real sure what "rolling your 401K into an IRA" really means. That doesn't really apply to me. I once had about $200 one time though. That was cool... 3) This post generally doesn't make too much sense. 4) Why am I still awake?
when you had that $200 dollars I'm guessing that's before the 200 dollar subway sandwich?
I remember when Travis Tritt was being interviewed at Lake Olmstead on his motorcycle and it was televised. It was really Tritty.
V, I'll have you know that my Scrubway was $85.44, thank you very much. But yeah that left me with $114.56. Not enough for a Roth IRA...
J.J.-Remember when he tried to jump Lake Olmstead on his motorcycle? Now that was Tritty. Didn't he crash and die attempting that stunt?
Tritty Tritt Tritt left his mark on ol' Lake Olmstead that's for sure. I've heard that if you drive by on Lakemont Drive at a steady 20mph, turn your radio to any local country station, it will automatically start playing "Great Day to Be Alive".
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