I is for: INXS, Switch (Epic, 2005)

Most people know the story of Michael Hutchence's accidental suicide by alleged auto-erotic asphyxiation in 1997, and that's where most of the world quit caring. But the remaining members simply could not leave it at that, and instead of honoring their fallen pal they had a silly televised contest to see who could become the next lead singer.
Switch is the result of that lame ploy, and guess what? It sucks. Most people felt like it was contrived and fake, and that contest winner J.D. Fortune was simply some dude who used to live in his car and now fronted a Hutchence tribute band. They were 100% correct.
So why buy this crap for someone for Christmas? Because we all know someone who loves reality television. I loathed the "reality" television craze that swept through 90's television programming and is actually still upon us. I try not to watch as much television these days as a direct result of this fad. I suggest taking this album and giving it to the reality television lover in your life. Then lock them in a room with Switch playing full blast on repeat with no way to turn it off. Occasionally come to the door and remind them that the album is a product of a reality television series. Maybe slip a few Doritos under the door if they've been good lately. Merry Christmas.
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