Countdown To Christmas Eve

H is for:  Harry Belafonte, Calypso (RCA Victor, 1956) 

Bring a little island music home for Christmas with the "King Of Calypso". A classic album and a classic cover.  If you look closely it appears Harry Belafonte has 7 fingers on his left hand <--.  

Unfortunately, Harry became quite crazy. He was once known as a great humanitarian back in the day, but now-a-days he's sooo opinionated about everything that he doesn't really make any sense. As most people know, he's a huge opponent of Bush's foreign policy, prompting the rest of us to say "come on in Harry, the water's fine." But then he called Bush a terrorist, more of a terrorist than the 9-11 attackers. Then he called Colin Powell and Condi Rice slaves who have been let inside the master's house. Yikes. Um, I do not agree.

So what's the most logical thing to do?  Call up your boy Danny Glover and go kick it with one of the absolute worst humans in the world, Venezuelan Presidente Hugo Chavez.  Here's a guy who has personally caused food shortages, riots, protests ending in many deaths, and hording of scarce necessary items among Venezuelans.  He uses his country's oil to control anything in the world that doesn't suit his needs while claiming to be a man of the people.  Does anybody really want to defend Venezuela's government as being less corrupt than ours? Despite the fact that Harry and Danny told Hugo how great he is, I'm with the Venezuelans on this one:  he sucks.      

Like I said, Harry has done some great humanitarian things in his day, but I think this is a prime example of why musicians, actors, etc., need to stick to their crafts and keep their mouths shut.  Yeah, our government does some deplorable things sometimes, but I think speaking through your music instead of through headline-grabbing interviews is always a good idea.  If you see some injustice occurring in the world then hey, you're an empowered individual so go physically do something about it.  (Say what you want about Bono, but that guy gets more done before noon than most of us do in our whole lives).  Otherwise, you'll wind up denouncing one "terrorist" in support of another with a whole bunch of talk and nothing else.  Somehow Belafonte lost that humanitarian touch and starting spewing rhetoric. Talking smack about W. and then rubbing shoulders with Hugo Chavez is one of the most insane hypocritical contradictions I have ever come across.  Just my two cents. 

As far as I know, Belafonte still lives in New York City, proving that even though the big bad U.S. is led by a terrorist, he still calls it home.  So get this album for any out-of-their-mind left-wing extremist hypocritical own country bashing jackasses that you know.  Sounds like a perfect Christmas gift for them.    

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