The trees landed directly on top of Hunter's bedroom while he was fast asleep inside. Don't worry, he's okay, but the firefighters and inspector said that the cinder block CMU walls may have been the only thing that saved him. They estimated that a wood-framed house would have collapsed into the basement. Here's the view from his bedroom window. As you can see, the tree is resting comfortably about 8 feet above where his head was on the pillow.

Thank God that the only casualty was this poor guy, who was also asleep in his nest in our attic. Poor lil' fella. I had one just like him when I was a kid.
Divine providence at work or a random group of trees falling down? Who knows. Thanks to our neighbor Frannie Fabian for coming over and snapping a few pics. She's a really good photographer and hopefully she won't be too upset that I swiped these photos for our blog. Check out the rest of her photos of our house and her website. All of these photos belong to her, so don't you be stealing 'em, fools. Also, much thanks to the firefighters, the three dudes who got up in the crane and removed the tree, and all of our neighbors for their concern.
Well, another day. Goodbye Park Avenue Palace. You were......a house.
Come see us at the new Gift Horse band house on King Ave.
Jesus! That's some crazy life-passing-before-eyes shit. Only it would have been your eyelids, Hunter. Glad it all came out OK-ish.
Just saw your pictures of us (TT + S8). Lovely. We had a great time, and stand ready to meet all your future birthday needs!
I didn't see an email contact, so I'll make one small observation: it's T.T. M-A-H-O-N-Y. No "e". Thanks again for thinking of us! New record coming within days! More to follow . . .
Damn. Glad you guys are OK. Die birds....fall trees.
That's front page threat's and promises news right there....I'm glad I didn't loose half of my band.
Thanks everybody.
My bad TT, you are the man sir. I'm making the changes...
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