Let me catch you up:
Gift Horse is almost done tracking our album and we will be mixing that sucker soon. Good God it sounds like sweet funhouse/old horror film bliss. Nate and Hank have really kicked some asses. See the relevant post a couple of clicks down the page.
The John Cougar TrainingCamp practices have been sounding thunderous. It is as if Death himself commissioned a cover band. The opening bands are now loosely confirmed and it looks like The Cubists from Augusta, GA will play first followed by The New Flesh from Baltimore, MD. We all really like these groups a whole lot and look forward to it with much pleasures in mind. (What?) So don't forget:
whom? - John Cougar Training Camp, The New Flesh, The Cubists.
locale? - The Fabulous 40 Watt Club in Athens, GA.
whence? - Thursday, February 12, 2009.
what time? - Doors are probably at 9 p.m. I don't know...
how much $? - I don't know that either. Not much. Just come you cheap bastard.
well, what are you assholes playing? -
1. The Most Unlucky Sound by Federation X
2. The Bloodening by Altamont
3. Indian Bones by Dead Meadow
4. Beezwax by Nirvana
5. Smoking in A Minor by Officer May
6. Greensky Greenlake by Dead Meadow
7. Holy Mountain by Sleep
8. A History of Bad Men by The Melvins
9. Rat Faced Granny by The Melvins
10. I'm Waiting For The Day by The Beach Boys
Sounds interesting to you's? See the relevant previous post and gorgeous flyer made by J.J.
Lastly speaking of JCTC, there will be an interview with Jason Scarboro (of Dead Confederate/John Cougar TrainingCamp fame) in Rough Draft sometime soon. They want to speak with him about the sickness in his mind that made him think up the TrainingCamp idea, so keep an eye out. Also pick up the current issue on news stands around Athens right now. I've got a little thingie in there that I wrote about the 5 Most Anticipated Upcoming Local Releases of 2009. I'll probably reprint it here later.
wish i could make the show. will someone be recording?
Not sure yet Johnny. Hopefully someone will be there with a mic. If not, maybe we will record it ourselves...
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