From an email I received from the elusive D. Striker:
"Hello Rebel Forces,
Has the good word of Thunder Jam spread to you yet? If not, here's the deets...come out join the revelry...
Who? D. Striker, Sleepy Horses, Kaitlin Jones & The Country Fair, 16 Tons, Dr. kPants
Where? Thunder Jam in Winterville (visit link for directions and more)
When? Oct 4, music from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. sharp, acoustic jam all nite
How Much? $10 donation, proceeds benefit Nuçi's Space
You probably don't remember me. I made a blip on the Athens music scene circa '98-'99. Since then I've been living and lovin' Nashville occasionally giggin' every Friday the 13th...
D. Striker strikes back at Thunder Jam (Oct. 4)! A return to where it all started 10 years ago -- Athens, Ga. Well, actually we’ll be in Winterville at Thor’s place. Armed to the teeth with Mason Vickery (of Ole Mossy Face, Eef Barzelay) on lap steel, Andy Willhite (of Hands Down Eugene, The Carter Administration) on guitar, Troy Daugherty on bass (Athenian lifers may remember Troy’s band Duraluxe) and Matt Martin (Hands Down Eugene) on drums -- he kept the beat on a handful of occasions during the early D.Striker days in Athens. If you live in Athens or can drive there, join us for the revelry. Set up a tent and stay up all night (camping encouraged). Local bands: Sleepy Horses and Kaitlin Jones & The County Fair. The band Dr. kPants is reuniting for the fete too. And our dear friend Crawford (aka Sweetman), formerly of the Routine Felonies is flying in from San Fran to rock it. There’ll be an acoustic jam hosted by 16 Tons, so bring an instrument. Hot dog salesman onsite too. Last year’s event was too much fun. It’s time, once again, to get hammered with Thor!
More about D.Striker:
"HE CAN'T SING, BUT YOU CAN'T HELP LISTENING" -- Robert K. Oermann, @Music Row
Every Friday the 13th since 1998, D.Striker has published RR, a zine which tackles Nashville's past and present while throwing up a salute revelry and crazy people. Past issues have given readers finger holes to fill to make Tammy Wynette's legs, the history of the Kenny Rogers phone sex scandal, and a first person account of a night out during "fan fair" wearing a T-shirt with iron-on-letters, "I'll take your photo for a beer." Given the freakish publication schedule, Jim Ridley of the Nashville Scene called the zine, "A beast as elusive as the centaur or free beer night." Quite often, D.Striker brings the new issue of RR to life on stage with his band, featuring members of Ole Mossy Face, Hands Down Eugene, The Carter Administration and Duraluxe. Country music historian, Robert K. Oermann once wrote of D.Striker's music, "He can't sing, but you can't help listening." On stage, the shows can get wild. An audience member's face was once bloodied up during an overzealous attack on a Glen Campbell effigy. Such is Friday the 13th with RR and D.Striker."
Sounds like fun and I'm always down for charity. Sorry I missed this in the weekly forecast of events. I absolutely hate missing shows because I didn't know about them, so if anyone notices me not listing anything in the "Things to Do" weekly entry please proceed to correct me.
September 29-October 5
Monday, September 29:
The George W. Bush Cover Band, Hot Pink Money Shot. The Globe. 9:30 p.m. FREE! Celebrating The Globe's 19th birthday and billed as the farewell concert since dubya's on his way out the door. According to Esquire magazine, The Globe is the best bar in America. According to 90% of Athens, Esquire doesn't know shit.
The Whigs, The Kooks. Variety Playhouse (ATL) 8 p.m. $16-$18.
Tuesday, September 30:
Bambara, Mouser, Ours to Alibi, They Mean Us. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
Fleet Foxes, Frank Fairfield. Georgia Theatre. 10 p.m. $10.
These dudes may actually be living up to the hype. Yeah I know, I liked 'em before it was cool too. Let it die.
Wednesday, October 1:
Old 97's, Charlie Louvin. Georgia Theatre. 8 p.m. $16 (advance), $18 (door).
The Raconteurs, The Kills. Tabernacle (ATL) $38.50.
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists. Masquerade (ATL) 7 p.m. $18.
Thursday, October 2:
Okkervil River, Crooked Fingers, Black Joe Lewis & The Honey Bears. 40 Watt. 10 p.m. $15 (advance).
The Avett Brothers. Georgia Theatre. 9 p.m. $25.
Everybody keeps telling me how good they are. Personally I like two songs they have. $25-a-pop good? Ehhh...
The Black Keys. Tabernacle (ATL) 8 p.m. $25.
Friday, October 3:
Pegasuses-XL, Bambara, Deaf Judges, Creepy. Caledonia. 9 p.m.
Last chance to see Pegasuses before they embark on nation domination...
The Avett Brothers. Georgia Theatre. 9 p.m. SOLD OUT!
Well, excuse me Avett Bros. 500 dumbass frat boys can't be wrong!
Modern Skirts, Venice Is Sinking. 40 Watt. 9:30 PM Doors. $8 Advance.
Concert release of Modern Skirts new one, All of Us in Our Night.
Saturday, October 4:
We Versus The Shark, Chrissakes, Childbite, Stnnng. Caledonia. 9 p.m.
We Versus The Shark also embarking upon said domination...
Alan Jackson. Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre (ATL) 8 p.m.
You didn't really think I was gonna leave that out did you?
Sunday, October 5:
Janet Jackson. Phillips Arena (ATL).
How many Atlantans will shell out an outrageous sum of money for this ticket for the sole purpose of maybe seeing a nipple or some other J. Jack sweet meat wardrobe malfunction? Just something to ponder as you go about your week. By the way since this was posted I saw where it is "really big news" that Janet had to be rushed to the hospital before her show in Montreal the other day, so Atlantans may have to wait for the ol' nip-slip Timberlake-style. This show may be canceled. Why am I devoting so much time to this? No idea.
The George W. Bush Cover Band, Hot Pink Money Shot. The Globe. 9:30 p.m. FREE! Celebrating The Globe's 19th birthday and billed as the farewell concert since dubya's on his way out the door. According to Esquire magazine, The Globe is the best bar in America. According to 90% of Athens, Esquire doesn't know shit.
The Whigs, The Kooks. Variety Playhouse (ATL) 8 p.m. $16-$18.
Tuesday, September 30:
Bambara, Mouser, Ours to Alibi, They Mean Us. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
Fleet Foxes, Frank Fairfield. Georgia Theatre. 10 p.m. $10.
These dudes may actually be living up to the hype. Yeah I know, I liked 'em before it was cool too. Let it die.
Wednesday, October 1:
Old 97's, Charlie Louvin. Georgia Theatre. 8 p.m. $16 (advance), $18 (door).
The Raconteurs, The Kills. Tabernacle (ATL) $38.50.
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists. Masquerade (ATL) 7 p.m. $18.
Thursday, October 2:
Okkervil River, Crooked Fingers, Black Joe Lewis & The Honey Bears. 40 Watt. 10 p.m. $15 (advance).
The Avett Brothers. Georgia Theatre. 9 p.m. $25.
Everybody keeps telling me how good they are. Personally I like two songs they have. $25-a-pop good? Ehhh...
The Black Keys. Tabernacle (ATL) 8 p.m. $25.
Friday, October 3:
Pegasuses-XL, Bambara, Deaf Judges, Creepy. Caledonia. 9 p.m.
Last chance to see Pegasuses before they embark on nation domination...
The Avett Brothers. Georgia Theatre. 9 p.m. SOLD OUT!
Well, excuse me Avett Bros. 500 dumbass frat boys can't be wrong!
Modern Skirts, Venice Is Sinking. 40 Watt. 9:30 PM Doors. $8 Advance.
Concert release of Modern Skirts new one, All of Us in Our Night.
Saturday, October 4:
We Versus The Shark, Chrissakes, Childbite, Stnnng. Caledonia. 9 p.m.
We Versus The Shark also embarking upon said domination...
Alan Jackson. Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre (ATL) 8 p.m.
You didn't really think I was gonna leave that out did you?
Sunday, October 5:
Janet Jackson. Phillips Arena (ATL).
How many Atlantans will shell out an outrageous sum of money for this ticket for the sole purpose of maybe seeing a nipple or some other J. Jack sweet meat wardrobe malfunction? Just something to ponder as you go about your week. By the way since this was posted I saw where it is "really big news" that Janet had to be rushed to the hospital before her show in Montreal the other day, so Atlantans may have to wait for the ol' nip-slip Timberlake-style. This show may be canceled. Why am I devoting so much time to this? No idea.
Spare Time
So here are a few links which may help explain what our contirbutors do when they are NOT writing for this fine blog, playing music in their respective "main" projects, juggling management and PR duties for one of Athens' largest bands, pruning the hedges, raping the horses, or riding away on the women:
When J.J. isn't playing drums in local Athens band Blue Flashing Light, he writes tunes and records bad ass drum solos for his myspace page currently titled Augusta Grown. J.J. has had this page for a while, and we have all sat around the computer and just laughed at how hilarious some of his songs are and how disgusting (in a good way) his drum solos are. By the way he won best drummer in Ohio back in the day after performing one of those solos.
When Matt isn't running things (yeah that's right, I said it) at Widespread Panic's Brown Cat Inc., he's usually selflessly devoting the his time to helping my band, Gift Horse. And we are eternally grateful. When he's not doing that, he somehow finds time to record and recently made a myspace page to showcase his talents. So far he's only got one tune up there that all made us say "Damn! Matt good!", but we all know that he's got more coming, right Matt? I'm pretty sure that last sentence contained a comma splice and possible haiku.
The efforts of these two gentlemen has inspired me to start my own myspace page in order to flesh out a few ideas. Yeah I know, unoriginal bastard. So now I have something to do too whenever I'm not doing whatever the hell it is that I do during the week.
Even though he's not a contributor, check out the myspace page that my friend and ex-band member Dede created. Dede used to play bass in a band I was in and now he plays guitar for Athens staples The Empties.
Isn't myspace great when it's not used to promote unwanted sexual advances for once?
When J.J. isn't playing drums in local Athens band Blue Flashing Light, he writes tunes and records bad ass drum solos for his myspace page currently titled Augusta Grown. J.J. has had this page for a while, and we have all sat around the computer and just laughed at how hilarious some of his songs are and how disgusting (in a good way) his drum solos are. By the way he won best drummer in Ohio back in the day after performing one of those solos.
When Matt isn't running things (yeah that's right, I said it) at Widespread Panic's Brown Cat Inc., he's usually selflessly devoting the his time to helping my band, Gift Horse. And we are eternally grateful. When he's not doing that, he somehow finds time to record and recently made a myspace page to showcase his talents. So far he's only got one tune up there that all made us say "Damn! Matt good!", but we all know that he's got more coming, right Matt? I'm pretty sure that last sentence contained a comma splice and possible haiku.
The efforts of these two gentlemen has inspired me to start my own myspace page in order to flesh out a few ideas. Yeah I know, unoriginal bastard. So now I have something to do too whenever I'm not doing whatever the hell it is that I do during the week.
Even though he's not a contributor, check out the myspace page that my friend and ex-band member Dede created. Dede used to play bass in a band I was in and now he plays guitar for Athens staples The Empties.
Isn't myspace great when it's not used to promote unwanted sexual advances for once?
Blue Flashing Light,
brown cat,
Gift Horse,
the empties,
widespread panic
September 22-28
Hey there everybody. We are looking at one of the best weeks of the year as far as shows go for Athenians. Good local bands playing this week, as well as good touring bands coming through. Stuff to do in Atlanta too. The 40 Watt is having a handful of amazing shows in the next seven days, and besides the various annual festivals, (mainly Popfest & Athfest) this is a once-in-a-year type week for them. So I suggest checking out as many shows as possible in the next seven.
Monday, September 22:
A.Armada, Antarctic, Kebert Xela, Suite Unraveling. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
Tuesday, September 23:
Kylesa, Pinback. 40 Watt. 8 p.m. $12.
Pride Parade, Pontiak, Media Colors. Drunken Unicorn (ATL) $8.
The Dandy Warhols, Darker My Love, Upsidedown. Center Stage Theatre (ATL) 9 p.m. $22-$24. Center Stage Theatre.
Wednesday, September 24:
Black Kids, Magic Wands, The Virgins. 40 Watt. 10 p.m. $10 (advance)
Subrig Destroyer, Samothrace, Armazilla, Aquila. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
The Sword, Clutch, Graveyard, Never Got Caught, Doomsayer. Center Stage Theatre (ATL) 7 p.m. $17-$20. Center Stage.
The Mars Volta. Tabernacle (ATL) 8 p.m. $35.
Gogol Bordello. Variety Playhouse (ATL) 8:30 p.m. $25.
The N.E.C., Hollow Stars, Sunnymuffdivers. Star Bar (ATL) 9 p.m. $3.
Thursday, September 25:
Benji Hughes, Man Man. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $10 (advance).
Henry Rollins Spoken Word. Variety Playhouse (ATL) $25.
(Could this be cool? Don't know. I've heard some of his spoken word stuff...I know that his stand-up comedy is hilarious...Rollins Band was good, Black Flag was great...either way I'll say go to it simply so Henry doesn't tear me in half.)
Friday, September 26:
Sleepy Horses. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $6 (21+), $8 (18+).
Arrested Development. Ferst Center for the Arts. (ATL) 8 p.m. $26-$36.
(Relive your youth by straight kickin it old skool with a bunch of Techies. Fuckin nerds!)
Music Hates You, October Frequency, End Result. Sweetwater Bar and Grill (ATL) 9:30 p.m. $5-$10. Sweetwater Bar and Grill.
Saturday, September 27:
Stereolab, Atlas Sound. 40 Watt. 8 p.m. $15 (advance).
Casper & The Cookies, Brass Bed. Flicker. 8:30 p.m. FREE!
Cut Copy, The Presets. Masquerade (ATL)
Nick Swardson. Tabernacle (ATL) 7:30 p.m. $30.
(Stand-up from the guy from Grandma's Boy and Reno 911 fame. Kid's funny...)
Monday, September 22:
A.Armada, Antarctic, Kebert Xela, Suite Unraveling. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
Tuesday, September 23:
Kylesa, Pinback. 40 Watt. 8 p.m. $12.
Pride Parade, Pontiak, Media Colors. Drunken Unicorn (ATL) $8.
The Dandy Warhols, Darker My Love, Upsidedown. Center Stage Theatre (ATL) 9 p.m. $22-$24. Center Stage Theatre.
Wednesday, September 24:
Black Kids, Magic Wands, The Virgins. 40 Watt. 10 p.m. $10 (advance)
Subrig Destroyer, Samothrace, Armazilla, Aquila. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
The Sword, Clutch, Graveyard, Never Got Caught, Doomsayer. Center Stage Theatre (ATL) 7 p.m. $17-$20. Center Stage.
The Mars Volta. Tabernacle (ATL) 8 p.m. $35.
Gogol Bordello. Variety Playhouse (ATL) 8:30 p.m. $25.
The N.E.C., Hollow Stars, Sunnymuffdivers. Star Bar (ATL) 9 p.m. $3.
Thursday, September 25:
Benji Hughes, Man Man. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $10 (advance).
Henry Rollins Spoken Word. Variety Playhouse (ATL) $25.
(Could this be cool? Don't know. I've heard some of his spoken word stuff...I know that his stand-up comedy is hilarious...Rollins Band was good, Black Flag was great...either way I'll say go to it simply so Henry doesn't tear me in half.)
Friday, September 26:
Sleepy Horses. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $6 (21+), $8 (18+).
Arrested Development. Ferst Center for the Arts. (ATL) 8 p.m. $26-$36.
(Relive your youth by straight kickin it old skool with a bunch of Techies. Fuckin nerds!)
Music Hates You, October Frequency, End Result. Sweetwater Bar and Grill (ATL) 9:30 p.m. $5-$10. Sweetwater Bar and Grill.
Saturday, September 27:
Stereolab, Atlas Sound. 40 Watt. 8 p.m. $15 (advance).
Casper & The Cookies, Brass Bed. Flicker. 8:30 p.m. FREE!
Cut Copy, The Presets. Masquerade (ATL)
Nick Swardson. Tabernacle (ATL) 7:30 p.m. $30.
(Stand-up from the guy from Grandma's Boy and Reno 911 fame. Kid's funny...)
Recap of the 40 Watt Show 9/19/08
I'd like to thank everybody who came out early to the 40 Watt for the Dead Confederate cd release party show. I know that us fellows from Gift Horse sincerely appreciate those guys putting us on the bill and I'm pretty sure I can speak for Twin Tigers and Kuroma too. Wish them the best on their tour, be sure to check em out if they come through your area wherever that may be. But yeah, thanks to everybody who came out early to see us-I know I had a good time and I hope you did too.
Special thanks to Mike White from Deadly Designs for coming out and taking some great photos from the show. That guy works his ass off to get some really awesome shots and is only motivated by a pure love of music and photography. Be sure to check out the gallries of each band from last Friday on his page and check out some of his other work while you're there.
Special thanks to Mike White from Deadly Designs for coming out and taking some great photos from the show. That guy works his ass off to get some really awesome shots and is only motivated by a pure love of music and photography. Be sure to check out the gallries of each band from last Friday on his page and check out some of his other work while you're there.
Atlantis Music Conference
The Atlantis Music Conference is taking place throughout the city of Atlanta for the next 4 days. Check out the full schedule of events. Buy passes. Do what you do. Here's a list of some of the shows:
Thursday, September 18:
Smith's Olde Bar (Upstairs) 21+ $10
ASCAP / Sunday Paper / Pop Death Squad Presents
7:30 PM - Owen Beverly
8:30 PM - Natalie Warner
9:30 PM - The Redcoats
10:30 PM - All Get Out
11:30 PM - Death On Two Wheels
12:30 AM - Ponderosa
Friday, September 19:
Star Bar 21+ $8
Prasse Fest
8:30 PM - Act Of Congress
9:15 PM - The Falcon Lords
10:00 PM - Part Bear
10:45 PM - The Empties
11:30 AM - The Modern Society
12:15 AM - Connor Christian And Southern Gothic
Saturday, September 20:
Star Bar 21+ $8
SE Performer Presents
8:00 PM - The Sammies
9:00 PM - Gift Horse
10:00 PM - Pistolero
11:00 PM - It's Elephant's
12:00 AM - The Judies
1:00 AM - Casper & The Cookies
1:45 AM - Le Castle Vania
Smith's Olde Bar (Upstairs) 21+ $10
Sunday Paper Presents
8:00 PM - April Cover
8:45 PM - Andrew Miller
9:30 PM - Ben Deignan
10:15 PM - The Julia Dream
11:00 PM - Afterglow Radio
11:45 PM - Rockets To Ruin
12:30 AM - Blue Flashing Light
1:15 AM - Liquor Boxx
Thursday, September 18:
Smith's Olde Bar (Upstairs) 21+ $10
ASCAP / Sunday Paper / Pop Death Squad Presents
7:30 PM - Owen Beverly
8:30 PM - Natalie Warner
9:30 PM - The Redcoats
10:30 PM - All Get Out
11:30 PM - Death On Two Wheels
12:30 AM - Ponderosa
Friday, September 19:
Star Bar 21+ $8
Prasse Fest
8:30 PM - Act Of Congress
9:15 PM - The Falcon Lords
10:00 PM - Part Bear
10:45 PM - The Empties
11:30 AM - The Modern Society
12:15 AM - Connor Christian And Southern Gothic
Saturday, September 20:
Star Bar 21+ $8
SE Performer Presents
8:00 PM - The Sammies
9:00 PM - Gift Horse
10:00 PM - Pistolero
11:00 PM - It's Elephant's
12:00 AM - The Judies
1:00 AM - Casper & The Cookies
1:45 AM - Le Castle Vania
Smith's Olde Bar (Upstairs) 21+ $10
Sunday Paper Presents
8:00 PM - April Cover
8:45 PM - Andrew Miller
9:30 PM - Ben Deignan
10:15 PM - The Julia Dream
11:00 PM - Afterglow Radio
11:45 PM - Rockets To Ruin
12:30 AM - Blue Flashing Light
1:15 AM - Liquor Boxx
September 15-21
Tuesday, September 16:
Blue Flashing Light, Clay Cook, Ken Will Morton. Tasty World. 10 p.m. $5.
Wednesday, September 17:
The Dumps, Howl, Liquid Limbs, Rat Babies. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
The Selmanaires, TUSSLE, Recompas. The Earl. (ATL) 9 p.m. $8 - $10.
Wreckless Eric & Amy Rigby, Gentleman Jesse and His Men, The N.E.C. Star Bar. (ATL) 9 p.m. $8.
Thursday, September 18:
Gift Horse, Sleepy Horses. Rocket Club. (ASHEVILLE, NC) 10 p.m.
Friday, September 19:
Dead Confederate, Twin Tigers, Gift Horse, Kuroma. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. FREE! (21+), $2 (18+).
Concert release of Dead Confederate's Wrecking Ball.
Pretty sure that Wax Fang is playing the after party at the Secret Squirrel.
Saturday, September 20:
Gift Horse, The Sammies, The Judies, Casper & the Cookies, It's Elephants, Le Castle Vania. Atlantis Music Conference--Southeastern Performer Magazine Stage. Star Bar. (ATL) 8 p.m.
Cinemechanica, Lazer/Wulf, Young Livers, Canvas Solaris. 40 Watt.
Concert release of Lazer/Wulf's The Void That Isn't.
Dead Confederate, Wax Fang, Twin Tigers. The Earl. (ATL) 9:30 p.m. $8 - $10.
Blue Flashing Light, Clay Cook, Ken Will Morton. Tasty World. 10 p.m. $5.
Wednesday, September 17:
The Dumps, Howl, Liquid Limbs, Rat Babies. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
The Selmanaires, TUSSLE, Recompas. The Earl. (ATL) 9 p.m. $8 - $10.
Wreckless Eric & Amy Rigby, Gentleman Jesse and His Men, The N.E.C. Star Bar. (ATL) 9 p.m. $8.
Thursday, September 18:
Gift Horse, Sleepy Horses. Rocket Club. (ASHEVILLE, NC) 10 p.m.
Friday, September 19:
Dead Confederate, Twin Tigers, Gift Horse, Kuroma. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. FREE! (21+), $2 (18+).
Concert release of Dead Confederate's Wrecking Ball.
Pretty sure that Wax Fang is playing the after party at the Secret Squirrel.
Saturday, September 20:
Gift Horse, The Sammies, The Judies, Casper & the Cookies, It's Elephants, Le Castle Vania. Atlantis Music Conference--Southeastern Performer Magazine Stage. Star Bar. (ATL) 8 p.m.
Cinemechanica, Lazer/Wulf, Young Livers, Canvas Solaris. 40 Watt.
Concert release of Lazer/Wulf's The Void That Isn't.
Dead Confederate, Wax Fang, Twin Tigers. The Earl. (ATL) 9:30 p.m. $8 - $10.
Widespread Panic: GA Music Hall of Fame
This band is nothing new, but I do happen to be employed by these wonderful folks, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to make a little plug about their most recent accomplishment.
This Saturday September 20th, Widespread Panic will be inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in Atlanta, GA. Live on freakin' PBS! When you're alongside the likes of Mr. Rogers and Charlie Rose, it's a damn good day.
These guys have been at it for over 22 years now, and don't show any signs of stopping. Just today (Sunday) the Athens Banner-Herald did a wonderful little feature on the band, their history, their members, their management, and got to the bottom of where the hell Brown Cat came from (SPOILER: their house cat).
If you didn't get a chance to read the paper today, you have peruse these fantastic articles at the following link:
Widespread Panic Athens Banner-Herald Feature
If you'd like to skip to the good shit (i.e. the article about me and the mgmt), go here;
Article on the Management
Congrats the Panic and everyone involved over the last couple decades!
Video: Dead Confederate "The Rat"
Here's Dead Confederate's new video for "The Rat" off of their forthcoming album Wrecking Ball.
Album comes out September 16th.
Album comes out September 16th.
Please for the sake of humanity listen to these guys.
Made up of Daniel and Fred, (Daniel being a member of the band Grizzly Bear) DOE was formed at NYU during their freshman years. Their new full length release In Ear Park is being released October 7th. I stumbled across these peculiar fellows while perusing Grizzly Bear's myspace page. Low and behold this is my new favorite band...dare I say of 2008?
You know that music that comes at you when you least expect it? Hits all the right notes that make you smile uncontrollably? Department of Eagles.
I'm not a man of too many words, but I can post some links to give you easy access to the goods...enjoy.
Balmy Night
No One Does It Like You
In Ear Park
Floating on the LeHigh
Phantom Other
Made up of Daniel and Fred, (Daniel being a member of the band Grizzly Bear) DOE was formed at NYU during their freshman years. Their new full length release In Ear Park is being released October 7th. I stumbled across these peculiar fellows while perusing Grizzly Bear's myspace page. Low and behold this is my new favorite band...dare I say of 2008?
You know that music that comes at you when you least expect it? Hits all the right notes that make you smile uncontrollably? Department of Eagles.
I'm not a man of too many words, but I can post some links to give you easy access to the goods...enjoy.
Balmy Night
No One Does It Like You
In Ear Park
Floating on the LeHigh
Phantom Other
All The Saints sign to Touch and Go Records

From an email that my brother Andy got from Touch and Go's Miranda Lange:
"We could not be happier to announce that All the Saints have joined the roster here at Touch and Go Records! The band's scorching debut album Fire On Corridor X will be released in North America digitally on September 9th and on wax November 4th (all formats available in Europe November 3/UK November 17). The cd version of Fire On Corridor X is available now on Killer Pimp Records. Climbing a wall of sound imbued with equal amounts of noise and melody, All the Saints Fire On Corridor X rains down in sonic sheets. The debut full length from this crew may be steeped in a heavy psych/drone tradition, but under the din lay songs that contradict the cacophony. Comprised of singer/guitarist Matt Lambert, bassist/co-vocalist Titus Brown, and drummer Jim Crook, All the Saints is an Atlanta-by-way-of Alabama behemoth, a power trio with wattage to spare. All the Saints will go out on the road with A Place To Bury Strangers for a handful of shows in late October, including a stop at CMJ New Music Marathon. Psychedelic yet direct, raging but tuneful, expect to hear plenty more from All the Saints in the coming months.
Miranda Lange - Director of Publicity for Touch and Go/Quarterstick
P.O. Box 25520
Chicago, IL 60625
WELCOME, All the Saints!
The Uglysuit, The Uglysuit out NOW
The New Year, The New Year & Calexico, Carried to Dust !!!OUT NOW!!!
Pinback and Ted Leo on the road! SEE THEM!"
Click the title of this post to see what Pitchfork has to say about it. Congrats boys can't wait to see ya'll again.
Go if you are in Atlanta:
The N.E.C., All the Saints, Adventure. Star Bar (ATL) 9 p.m. $3.
"We could not be happier to announce that All the Saints have joined the roster here at Touch and Go Records! The band's scorching debut album Fire On Corridor X will be released in North America digitally on September 9th and on wax November 4th (all formats available in Europe November 3/UK November 17). The cd version of Fire On Corridor X is available now on Killer Pimp Records. Climbing a wall of sound imbued with equal amounts of noise and melody, All the Saints Fire On Corridor X rains down in sonic sheets. The debut full length from this crew may be steeped in a heavy psych/drone tradition, but under the din lay songs that contradict the cacophony. Comprised of singer/guitarist Matt Lambert, bassist/co-vocalist Titus Brown, and drummer Jim Crook, All the Saints is an Atlanta-by-way-of Alabama behemoth, a power trio with wattage to spare. All the Saints will go out on the road with A Place To Bury Strangers for a handful of shows in late October, including a stop at CMJ New Music Marathon. Psychedelic yet direct, raging but tuneful, expect to hear plenty more from All the Saints in the coming months.
Miranda Lange - Director of Publicity for Touch and Go/Quarterstick
P.O. Box 25520
Chicago, IL 60625
WELCOME, All the Saints!
The Uglysuit, The Uglysuit out NOW
The New Year, The New Year & Calexico, Carried to Dust !!!OUT NOW!!!
Pinback and Ted Leo on the road! SEE THEM!"
Click the title of this post to see what Pitchfork has to say about it. Congrats boys can't wait to see ya'll again.
Go if you are in Atlanta:
The N.E.C., All the Saints, Adventure. Star Bar (ATL) 9 p.m. $3.
September 8-14
Monday, September 8:
Music Hates You, Weedeater, Armazilla. Tasty World. 10 p.m. $5.
Metal time! Armazilla (from ATL) is supposedly formed by an ex-ZZ Top roadie, Weedeater is from Wilmington, NC, and Music Hates You hates you. All of the bands at Tasty World now play the upstairs bar in what is potentially a shoe-in for "the worst idea of 2008" Flagpole music awards category. But this show should rock your ass anyway. Go.
Tuesday, September 9:
Chrissakes, Nationale, Worn in Red. Little Kings. 10 p.m.
Wednesday, September 10:
The Whigs, Tokyo Police Club, The Coast. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $15 (advance).
J. Roddy Walston and The Business, Holy Liars, The Dictatortots. Tasty World. 10 p.m. $5.
Gil Mantera's Party Dream, Death Pill, Math Candy. The Earl (ATL) 9 p.m. $7.
The N.E.C., All the Saints, Adventure. Star Bar (ATL) 9 p.m. $3.
Thursday, September 11:
The Winter Sounds, Waves on Waves, Wedge. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+).
Enoch (of Twin Tigers), Mr. Gnome, Strezo. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
Friday, September 12:
Dead Confederate, Turf War. Sky City. (AUGUSTA, GA). Doors 8 p.m. Music 10 p.m. Advance $7. Day of Show $10.
Concert release of Dead Confederate's new album Wrecking Ball. Sky City is where The Mission used to be. It changed hands when Coco Rubio (owner of the Soul Bar) bought the venue and is finally going to run it correctly. This is the night of the "Border Bash" party that is celebrated in Augusta in honor of the UGA vs. USC football game on Saturday. So if you are there for that reason, check out the show. Try not to get stabbed.
Venice is Sinking. Kavarna (ATL) 9 p.m. FREE. Kavarna.
Saturday, September 13:
George W. Bush Cover Band. Georgia Theatre. 10 p.m. $10.
The kids from Olympus Mans and some other dude play in this band that sets words from W.'s speeches to music. So I guess the president is also a member of this band. (He should get writing credits at least). Anyhow, I know this sounds like a dumbass idea but when you read the lyrics to the songs it is fucking scary that our president actually said this shit.
Monotonix, Silver Jews. Variety Playhouse (ATL). 8:30 p.m. $15.
Music Hates You, Weedeater, Armazilla. Tasty World. 10 p.m. $5.
Metal time! Armazilla (from ATL) is supposedly formed by an ex-ZZ Top roadie, Weedeater is from Wilmington, NC, and Music Hates You hates you. All of the bands at Tasty World now play the upstairs bar in what is potentially a shoe-in for "the worst idea of 2008" Flagpole music awards category. But this show should rock your ass anyway. Go.
Tuesday, September 9:
Chrissakes, Nationale, Worn in Red. Little Kings. 10 p.m.
Wednesday, September 10:
The Whigs, Tokyo Police Club, The Coast. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $15 (advance).
J. Roddy Walston and The Business, Holy Liars, The Dictatortots. Tasty World. 10 p.m. $5.
Gil Mantera's Party Dream, Death Pill, Math Candy. The Earl (ATL) 9 p.m. $7.
The N.E.C., All the Saints, Adventure. Star Bar (ATL) 9 p.m. $3.
Thursday, September 11:
The Winter Sounds, Waves on Waves, Wedge. 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+).
Enoch (of Twin Tigers), Mr. Gnome, Strezo. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
Friday, September 12:
Dead Confederate, Turf War. Sky City. (AUGUSTA, GA). Doors 8 p.m. Music 10 p.m. Advance $7. Day of Show $10.
Concert release of Dead Confederate's new album Wrecking Ball. Sky City is where The Mission used to be. It changed hands when Coco Rubio (owner of the Soul Bar) bought the venue and is finally going to run it correctly. This is the night of the "Border Bash" party that is celebrated in Augusta in honor of the UGA vs. USC football game on Saturday. So if you are there for that reason, check out the show. Try not to get stabbed.
Venice is Sinking. Kavarna (ATL) 9 p.m. FREE. Kavarna.
Saturday, September 13:
George W. Bush Cover Band. Georgia Theatre. 10 p.m. $10.
The kids from Olympus Mans and some other dude play in this band that sets words from W.'s speeches to music. So I guess the president is also a member of this band. (He should get writing credits at least). Anyhow, I know this sounds like a dumbass idea but when you read the lyrics to the songs it is fucking scary that our president actually said this shit.
Monotonix, Silver Jews. Variety Playhouse (ATL). 8:30 p.m. $15.
New Jamz Again
It's been about a month so it seemed like time to update the latest stuff we've been listening to. This is mainly for my own good so I don't lose stuff-also I'm the only person who ever reads this so I'm just making a catalouge of my crappy records and I can pretty much say anything I want and no one will ever know.
Shit stacks.
Pegasuses-XL-The Antiphon, Harvey Milk-Life...The Best Game In Town, (I guess life went pretty much according to plan minus a few small road blocks) The Vines-Highly Evolved, Thurston Moore-Trees Outside the Academy, The Jesus and Mary Chain-Come On EP, Melvins-Bullhead, Akimbo-Forging Steel and Laying Stone, The Glands-The Glands, Creedence Clearwater Revival-Green River, Black Mountain-In the Future, Refused-This Just Might Be the Truth.
and some vinyl:
Emmylou Harris-Evangeline, The Byrds-Greatest Hits, Wings-Greatest.
Thats it for now. Let me know if you (if there is a "you" at all) know of any good stuff that I need to get. New or otherwise.
Shit stacks.
Pegasuses-XL-The Antiphon, Harvey Milk-Life...The Best Game In Town, (I guess life went pretty much according to plan minus a few small road blocks) The Vines-Highly Evolved, Thurston Moore-Trees Outside the Academy, The Jesus and Mary Chain-Come On EP, Melvins-Bullhead, Akimbo-Forging Steel and Laying Stone, The Glands-The Glands, Creedence Clearwater Revival-Green River, Black Mountain-In the Future, Refused-This Just Might Be the Truth.
and some vinyl:
Emmylou Harris-Evangeline, The Byrds-Greatest Hits, Wings-Greatest.
Thats it for now. Let me know if you (if there is a "you" at all) know of any good stuff that I need to get. New or otherwise.
harvey milk,
new jamz,
shit stacks,
the glands,
September 1-7
Tuesday, September 2:
Pride Parade, Soft Targets, Jacob Church. Smith's Olde Bar. (ATL)
Thursday, September 4:
Face/Off #4 featuring members of Dead Confederate, Cinemechanica, Producto, Macha, Elf Power, Garbage Island and more... 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $5 (+21), $7 (-21). This is a benefit for the Athens Area Homeless Shelter. They throw the names of a few members from each band into a hat and pair them up at random. They have a limited amount of time to come up with a short set. What you see (and hear) is what you get. I think this is the 4th and final one.
Olympus Mans. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
Pylon, The Buddy System. The Melting Point. (Athens 441 Radio Show). 8:30 p.m. $12.
Friday, September 5:
A.Armada. 40 Watt. 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). Concert release of new album, Anam Cara.
Saturday, September 6:
Gift Horse, The Sammies, Goodbye Donovan. The Hummingbird. (MACON, GA) 9 p.m. $6.
Dr. Dog, Delta Spirit, Seth Kauffman. The Earl. (ATL) 9:30 p.m. $12.
Sunday, September 7:
Common, N.E.R.D. Tabernacle. (ATL) 8 p.m. $36.50.
Pride Parade, Soft Targets, Jacob Church. Smith's Olde Bar. (ATL)
Thursday, September 4:
Face/Off #4 featuring members of Dead Confederate, Cinemechanica, Producto, Macha, Elf Power, Garbage Island and more... 40 Watt. 9 p.m. $5 (+21), $7 (-21). This is a benefit for the Athens Area Homeless Shelter. They throw the names of a few members from each band into a hat and pair them up at random. They have a limited amount of time to come up with a short set. What you see (and hear) is what you get. I think this is the 4th and final one.
Olympus Mans. Caledonia. 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $7 (18+).
Pylon, The Buddy System. The Melting Point. (Athens 441 Radio Show). 8:30 p.m. $12.
Friday, September 5:
A.Armada. 40 Watt. 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). Concert release of new album, Anam Cara.
Saturday, September 6:
Gift Horse, The Sammies, Goodbye Donovan. The Hummingbird. (MACON, GA) 9 p.m. $6.
Dr. Dog, Delta Spirit, Seth Kauffman. The Earl. (ATL) 9:30 p.m. $12.
Sunday, September 7:
Common, N.E.R.D. Tabernacle. (ATL) 8 p.m. $36.50.
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